Size: 91cm x 120cm
I learnt how to paint in a series of dreams: After the loss of my parents, I experienced emotional distress and I received the gift of dreams as a means to receive information.
I wrote a poem for this painting.
"An autumn day, and leaves are dancing in the air,
An armful of flowers I'll pick, yellow-white, and fair;
I'll breathe in the fragrance of the flowers yet,
And watch the dandelion and chamomile sunset.
Beneath my feet rustles a red carpet strewn,
While of a "Boundless Expanse" does a nightingale croon;
From rowan I'll make a lucky wreath, so supreme,
And send it downriver on a gurgling stream.
A shimmering light frolics in the green,
The art of creation is as sorcery seen;
At Creator's behest artist makes all this grace,
In the woodland of autumn leaves a magical trace."
- Olya Shevel