Working from home is a great time to get playful with earrings
Don’t you just love sitting in a café on a Sunday morning reading the paper. Well my café at the moment is our back patio and fortunately we have a great coffee machine.
Last weekend I was enjoying my large flat white and the Sydney Morning Herald and I came across an article by Michael Harry in the Style section about earrings. “The surprising accessory we're buying in isolation” Apparently there has been “a surprising spike in earring sales thanks to COVID-19”.
Michael suggests that while working from home frees us from having to dress for work – earrings allow us to “feel put together as we remain housebound”
For some of my colleagues wearing lipstick is an equivalent practice---or perhaps that was a pre-COVID thing, i.e ‘I don’t leave the house without lipstick’.
The trans-formative accessory
Christine Smalley of Etelege says “earrings are her ‘thing’. They are a trans-formative accessory that can change and soften the face.”Earrings can change your ‘look’ and move you “from day to night in an instant”.
Have browse through a range of Christine’s earrings here
The well accessorised Wendy Moore
In a recent blog post jewellery designer, Wendy Moore, talks about a more intentional approach to the earrings she wears. She decided to wear earrings for the following 5 days that “celebrate some good things from social media….mainly connections with gorgeous people which may not have happened without it”
On another day Wendy wore earrings and a necklace to help her connect with “that positive, optimistic part” of herself. She wore these pieces to some medical appointments last year and they remind her that she is not just a scared woman …she is a “WELL ACCESSORISED scared woman”
Wendy has a wonderful sense of humour in addition to being a beautiful woman and sensational artist. We have a limited range of Wendy’s pieces here.
My affordable indulgence
For me earrings are an affordable indulgence. Women often purchased earrings from Breathing Colours when they found life too taxing and they needed just a small ‘pick me up’.
Earrings can be all you need to accessorise an outfit. Contemporary fashion utilises an extraordinary range of colours. I remember when I could chose between Forest Green or Bottle Green. Now, apparently, there are 50 shades of green. Your outfit can be in apple green, wasabi, lime green, mint, olive, neon, jade, pear, chartreuse, teal, and 40 more! Indeed, your outfit may sport a number of these shades.
Design with beads by Liz Deluca
Translucent Glass Wings by Hilda Procak
Earrings can be your way of celebrating a special holiday, special person or a favourite artist. I’ve always loved buying unusual earrings when on holidays.
Earrings can be readily ‘up-cycled’ and redesigned when you’re ready to transform them.
Featuring polymer beads by Sera Pinwill
As Michael Harry says… wearing a pair of earrings with an ‘appropriate’ shirt can be ideal for a presenting professionally on a Zoom call when wearing your trakky daks and ugg boots.
Earrings, like glasses, can be a quirky, bold & colourful even in more conservative work places. In most workplaces you can celebrate your individuality – within reason - with earrings even when wearing a uniform.
Finally, earrings are for everyone, whether you like bold colourful statements or small and elegant pieces. Whether you have pierced ears or not.
Get the look
So let's get playful and post your look #breathingcolours #isolationart #isolationcreation
Boho Earrings Medina Brass Filigree
Earrings with Enamel Beads by Jan Rietdyk
French Jet Drop Circle Earrings